Contact Backpage Arizona
For your convenience to contact Backpage Arizona We have provided all possible information of Backpage Arizona. You can contact Backpage Arizona on the given phone number +17147373686, (866) 456-6877. To know the address location of Backpage Arizona it is also presented here 2501 Oak Lawn Avenue, Dallas, Texas, USA. Contact them by sending email to Backpage Arizona you will find an email address here To know more about Backpage Arizona, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
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Backpage Arizona is Associated With and Known as:
Backpage is the business, jobs and service listing website based in the USA and covers over 700 cities worldwide. The website acts as the platform between people who post advertisements and service seekers. Its all categories are arranged according to the location of the user. Backpage classifieds in the categories of automobile, dating, services, businesses, jobs, and real estate. The website also invites organizers or professionals to promote events, concert or fair.
Membership and Structure
Backpage offers free membership and paid membership to post their ads and services. The free membership is meant to upload ads on local level while paid is meant for posting on national and international level. Launched in 2004, Backpage is available in fifteen languages including English, Japanese, Turkish, Italian, Dutch, Russian, and Finnish. The website has the staff of over 120 employees and according to 2014, it is owned by Mike Lacey and Jim Larkin.
Brief History
Backpage was developed in mid 2000s and was emerged as the leading classified advertisement website by 2008. In its beginning, the website was focused on the cities of New York, Los Angeles and Chicago and expanded to the other parts of the world later on. Backpage has maintained the base of over 4,000,000 users each month since 2009 according to the statistics. Backpage has been cited for controversies for adult services listing under body rubs, escorts, strippers, and adult jobs.