Pgw Contact Number and Email Address

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Contact Pgw

For your convenience to contact Pgw We have provided all possible information of Pgw. You can contact Pgw on the given phone number +1-215-235-1000, +1-215-683-0900, +1-215-235-1212. To know the address location of Pgw it is also presented here 1515 Arch Street, 9th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19102-1595, United States. Contact them by sending email to Pgw you will find an email address here . To know more about Pgw, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.

If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against Pgw, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.

Visit Pgw on the Given Address:

1515 Arch Street, 9th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19102-1595, United States

Contact Pgw on the Given Contact Number:

+1-215-235-1000, +1-215-683-0900, +1-215-235-1212.

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Pgw is Associated With and Known as:

PGW is an abberative form of Philadelphia Gas Works or PGW was started in February 1836 as an Energy industry. PGW is a famous natural gas utility company retained by municipality. Philadelphia Gas Works operates from headquarters in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. The company is completely involved in the distribution and transportation of natural gas. PGW is one of the major gas transportation companies in the Pennsylvania and surrounding areas. The company provides natural gas transportation and distribution services for several segments including commercial, non commercial, residential, industrial heating and non-heating. Today, it has become one of the biggest natural gas utility firms in the nation. "Philadelphia Gas Works" controls a transportation systems of more than 6,000 miles of gas mains and service pipes. According to a latest survey, the company distributes natural gas to approximately 600,000 customers. In the year of 2010, Philadelphia Gas Works was honored with the Marketing and Sales Award by a non-profit trade organization, American Public Gas Association.

Customer Care Support of PGW

To deliver precise information regarding exclusive services, the enterprise has configured diverse help line to assist customers in an appropriate manner. PGW is devoted to provide timely assistance to explore the anticipation of it's esteemed customers and endorses conclusive surroundings of frequent assistance. Whenever facing difficulties, the customers are imposes to get in touch with care officials through the following below mentioned numbers:
  • Emergency Hotline: Call (215) 235-1212
  • Billing: Call (215) 235-1000
  • Customer Service: Call (215) 235-1000
  • File OR Follow Up On A Claim: (215) 684-6535
  • Natural and Gas Conservation: Call (215) 684-6671
  • Parts & Labor: Call (215) 235-2050

Prestigious Role of PGW

PGW is configured to provide an essential commodity to enhance the living standard of citizens. PGW is serving the necessity of gas through massive pipelines fixed beneath the surface, commencing operations with an intent to customize the anticipation. However, the enterprise is committed to please customers with the flexibility to settle the level of expanses online via:

Career Window At PGW

PGW is predominate in offering valuable career openings for applicants to built strong foundation of success via:

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Search in google Pgw with the name Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, linkidin Pages and you will find more information on these pages. Search in google like Pgw Google Plus Page.

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Calling Pgw:

At the first step When you call to Pgw please do not forget to tell them that you have found their contact number on

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Pgw Contact number, Address, Customer Service

Re account:0477827733 Last year, some one reported gas leak, and someone came knocking on few doors, but was nothing found at my house. Few weeks later, I smelled gas, and I did contact pgw, and they sent two individuals, both seemed unfocused, acted strange, to the degree I asked them to leave. They didn't seem to know what they were doing. As they tested gas leak, they damaged the two shut off gas valve, one for the dryer)I have stove instead), and the other for the house heater. When I questioned them, why they locked it, that I can not turn it off, in case of emergency, they answered, that it shouldn't. I reported them to pgw. Recently, as I called parts and labor for repair, it was due plumbing issue, and the technician himself couldn't turn the gas off. And, when I tried to disconnect the stove, I realized the handle for shut off the dryer gas line, was cracked, and fell off, and I couldn't turn off the gas. The pgw workers, caused more damage than repair, and now I can not shut off the gas for any emergency. I would appreciate fixing the problem, was created by your two technicians, who damaged the two shut off gas valve, locked it, damage the handle, and created hazardous to my property. Thank you, Madelene Jacob 4247 cottman ave. Philadelphia pa 19135.

2/23/2018 6:52:07 PM

We have a lot rental properties in Philadelphia. We have a consistent issue when our tenants call in for service. Our unit B is the "bottom" floor, however pgw customer service assumes Unit B is the 2nd floor. It may have been that way 30 years ago, but their is a lot of development in the city with thousands of units. I really think this needs to be addressed in training not to make such assumptions. It was save us both time and money fixing consistent mistakes on pgw end.

7/13/2018 7:53:44 AM