Contact Vishala Hotel Ahmedabad
For your convenience to contact Vishala Hotel Ahmedabad We have provided all possible information of Vishala Hotel Ahmedabad. You can contact Vishala Hotel Ahmedabad on the given phone number +9107926602422, +910792660919. To know the address location of Vishala Hotel Ahmedabad it is also presented here Opposite Vasna Tol Naka, Ahmedabad 380055, Gujarat, India. Contact them by sending email to Vishala Hotel Ahmedabad you will find an email address here To know more about Vishala Hotel Ahmedabad, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
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Vishala Hotel Ahmedabad is Associated With and Known as:
Vishala is a traditionally designed restaurant located in Vishala, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. It was established on the March 27, 1978 and is famous for vastness and ambience. The restaurant is designed and owned by the civil engineer and Interior Designer Mr. Surinder C. Patel. The restaurant is designed like a village and the staff also welcomes the guests with a warm hospitality. The restaurant does not have doors and the lanterns are used for lighting purpose. Guests enjoy the natural air rather than the air-conditioning and the food is served on the tree leaf. The other attractions of the restaurant include folk song, muddy lanes, waiters and staff dressed in Indian traditional dresses, menu and Bill is paid at the reception itself and interior design of the restaurant. The food at the restaurant is prepared with village stables and is served in a traditional Indian style and the attendant pours the water on the hands of guests and the guests sit on the mud floor to make the guests sit in a cross-legged posture. The main source of entertainment at the restaurant include open ground with some charpoys, bhajans without any artificial sound or music , folk dance garba, puppet show and Magic shows. The Restaurant has been visited by common people as well as large number of politicians, business people and celebrities. The Vishala Hotel also houses museum established on April 27, 1981 which is the only Museum of its kind in the whole world.
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