Contact Waterstones Kingston
For your convenience to contact Waterstones Kingston We have provided all possible information of Waterstones Kingston. You can contact Waterstones Kingston on the given phone number +44 843 290 8427. To know the address location of Waterstones Kingston it is also presented here Bentalls Shopping Centre, Wood Street, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, KT1 1TR, United Kingdom. Contact them by sending email to Waterstones Kingston you will find an email address here . To know more about Waterstones Kingston, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against Waterstones Kingston, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.
Waterstones Kingston is Associated With and Known as:
Waterstones is a private, British retail bookshop headquartered in the London, United Kingdom. The company operates more than two-hundred and seventy stores in various parts of the world including United Kingdom, Belgium, Ireland and Netherlands and provides employment to more than four-thousand people. The Waterstones has concession agreements with various stores including Starbucks, Costa Coffee, Paperchase and the company started its own Café W Brand in the year 2012. The company has received many literary, industry and consumer awards.
History and Operations Of Waterstones Kingston
Waterstones Kingston was established in the year 1982 by Tim Waterstone on Old Brompton Road, London, United Kingdom and the company was sold in the year 1993 to W H Smith. The company was later bought again by the Waterstone, EMI and
Advent International in the year 1998. On an average, the Waterstones bookshop consists of more than thirty-thousand individual books and the biggest bookshop of Waterstones is in Piccadilly London, which is also the biggest bookshop in Europe. The products of the Waterstones are also available online.
Delivery Options Of Waterstones Kingston
Waterstones Kingston as mentioned is a known books providing company that does operations in many countries. The company offers books that includes fiction, non-fiction and children books. The company allows customers to buy books online and then deliver to their door steps.
Waterstones Kingston provide easy home delivery and also allows customers to track the status of delivery.
Connect With Waterstones Kingston
To get in touch with
Waterstones Kingston do use below mentioned contacts:
UK Contact:
0808 118 8787
Outside the UK:
+44 208 045 1001